March 20th is the Spring Equinox, which means more sun, less chilly days and one step closer to summer.
What Is It?
Spring Equinox, also called the Vernal Equinox, is the first day of spring. On this day, which falls on March 20th, there are exactly 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. From this day on, the sun will continue to climb higher in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere, inching towards summer, and will sink lower in the sky in the Southern Hemisphere, inching towards winter.

Eostre (pronounced E-oh-strah)
Eostre is the Pagan holiday that celebrates the return of spring and the balance between light and dark on, or around, the Spring Equinox. Eostre was the Pagan goddess of dawn, fertility and new beginnings.
The Christian celebration of Christ’s rebirth, Easter, is also celebrated around this time and got its name from Eostre.
It has been said that on the exact hour that winter turns to spring (around noon on the Spring Equinox), you are able to stand on an egg that is end-on-end without breaking it. Think that’s crazy? Truth is, if you’ve got the balance and a flat enough surface, you can stand on an egg (end-on-end) any time of the year (just don’t be surprised if it doesn’t work the first time)!
Did You Know?
- Eostre gave a rabbit friend the power to lay eggs once a year – on the Spring Equinox. The eggs symbolized new beginnings and the rabbit symbolized fertility.
- In modern Russia, eggs are still given as presents on the graves of ancestors in spring, at the start of farming season.
- Today we all look to the ‘Easter Bunny’ to bring us coloured eggs and, more importantly, chocolate ones.
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