Next week in school we will celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge! Seachtain na Gaeilge is an international Irish language festival – it is one of the biggest celebrations of Ireland’s native language and culture that takes place each year – both at home and across the globe!
Unfortunately, this year we will not be able to come together for our annual céilí, ceolchoirm or Bricféasta na Gaeilge (Irish breakfast morning). However, we will mark the occasion with lots of fun activities and games in school and we will share photos and videos with you through our website, blogs and social media so you can join in the fun from a distance.
We invite you and your children to celebrate Irish culture by wearing green with us on Tuesday 16th March. Feel free to post pictures of you and your family in all your finery on Google Classroom.
We would also like to invite you to take part in our Seachtain na Gaeilge media challenge – you could create your own Irish meme, make a Tiktok video of some Irish music or dancing, take a selfie with some Irish in the local community (e.g. on signage) or post on Google Classroom ‘as Gaeilge’! We will have some spot prizes for pupils that show lots of enthusiasm and help us to celebrate our native language in style!

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