School Garden:
After the lovely warm summer, our school garden needs a bit of help to reclaim its former glory.
- We are looking for parents to donate any plants, flowers, bulbs, seeds and compost that they may have.
- If you have any flower beds and/or outdoor pots we would be happy to adopt them.
- Gardening equipment is always welcome e.g. shovels, trowels, brushes, rakes etc.
- We are hoping to paint our flower beds so if anybody has woodstain and/or outdoor paint that they would donate to the school it would be much appreciated.
- Volunteers are sought for helping to paint the flowerbeds and tyres.
- Donations of garden ornamenets, bird feeders and bird houses, water table or anything else that you think would look nice in our school garden would be happily received!
- Volunteers are needed for our Parents Garden Committee to help maintain our school garden!
If you wish to be part of our Parents’ Garden Committee please email or the office and we can organise a timetable for which children and parents can get involved in the school garden together.
All gardening donations can be made at any time! Just drop items into the office or give to the class teacher.
Your help and support is much appreciated!
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