Adare Productions are currently producing a brand new quiz show for TRTÉ and we are looking for those extra quirky/mad boys or girls aged 10 or 11 who are definitely NOT shy, love the cameras and are up for a bit of fun to apply to take part in I’ve Got Your Back for TRTÉ.
They need to be really confident.They also need four other team players, all mammy/daddy/aunty/granny/
We have mostly two adults and two teens on the teams to date, but that can be three adults and one teen also.
The quiz sees all the team playing to win prizes for the team leader and the questions go from really easy for small prizes to a little more difficult, but multiple choice, for the bigger prizes. The team leader won’t get to see the faces of the rest of his/her team mates so he/she is hoping that they have his back – I’ve Got Your Back.
The show will record in mid March in RTE studios in Dublin and and go out at 5.30pm each day in April. The team are essentially playing to win prizes for their Team leader We will be meeting with any potential families early next week for auditions in Dublin.
Questions are on TV/Sport/Geography/History/
Auditions are taking place to find those extra families this Friday Feb 5th at the Clayton hotel (Old Bewleys Hotel) at Dublin Airport between 4pm and 7.30pm that day. All families auditioning are given a time to attend.
For further information contact: Yvonne on 01 2843877 or 085 8073003
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