SPJEYoung people today are presented with many challenges that affect their health and well-being. This school addresses these challenges by providing Social, Personal and Health Education (S.P.H.E.). Through the S.P.H.E. class students learn to develop important skills for living a healthy life.

S.P.H.E. covers the following topics:

• Belonging and Integrating

• Communication Skills

• Physical Health

• Relationships and Sexuality Education (R.S.E.)

• Emotional Health

• Influences and Decisions

• Substance Use

• Personal Safety

RSE-monthThe school will be running the R.S.E. programme during the month of November in all classes.  The school is obligated by law to teach these topics as part of the S.P.H.E. curriculum but if you have any concerns about the lessons, please contact the school or class teacher to discuss the issue.

Please familiarise yourself with our RSE Policy which is available to read on our school website on the policies page. The link to our RSE policy is:


Class teachers will inform parents via the classroom blog of content being covered prior to lessons commencing.

We recognise that parents have the primary responsibility for the personal development of their children, and it is our wish to complement that role. With the school and the family working together, the programme can have greater success.

You can support the S.P.H.E. programme at home by encouraging and praising the efforts of your child, by communicating with them about their own growth, development, friendships, decisions and health and discussing the worksheets they bring home to you to be completed.



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