Maths Week continued today with Maths Trails taking place across the school! Luckily the rain stayed away for the most part and didn’t ruin our Maths Week buzz!
Honeysuckle got outside with our trundle wheels and stopwatches to measure the yards width and length to find the area. We also measured how fast we could run the width of it so that we can find out the average and graph the results in class tomorrow. We also started displaying some of our finished tessellation art!

Alder Class also had a blast inside and outside completing their maths trail!

Holly Class had so much fun measuring and estimating length using a measuring tape and also using non-standard measurements like pencils, strides and even our own bodies! Well done Taine for guessing exactly how many pencils we’d need to stretch the length of a desk!

Redwood Class got out the Maths for Fun box for a while today!

Finally, Rowan class also completed their trail today!

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