As part of the Junior Infant programme, all pupils in Junior Infants complete the Belfield Infant Assessment Profile.
This is a standardised profile that is specifically for Junior Infant pupils. In accordance with our school’s assessment policy all pupils in junior infnats complete this profile, with the assistance of class teacher, SEN team and parents.
This pupil profile booklet has four parts:
- Part 1: Biographical details and developmental checklists
- Part 2: Worksheets and teacher rating schedules
- Part 3: Constructing the diagnostic pupil profile
- Part 4: Devising an individualised education programme and reporting pupil progress. Find four words from the story
In October of this year the SEN team – Katie, Mike and Deirdre will meet with every parent in Junior Infants to complete the Biographical Details and development checklist for their child. If parents work, and are usually not in the school in mornings (8.25 – 8.45am) or afternoons (1:00pm – 2:10pm) it owuld be much appreciated if you could phone the school to arrange a suitable time to complete the profile.
Children will complete the rest of the BIAP in May and parents will receive feedback from the BIAP at the Parent Teacher Meetings in May. In the meantime if you have any concerns about your child’s development or progress, please arrange an appointment with class teacher / support teachers.
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