The Health, Safety and Welfare of our pupils is our priority at all times. Staff strictly adhere to school policy.
1. Children can only be released to known, responsible ADULTS, listed on “permission to collect my child” form. (Sent home on 29/8/2018)
2. Only children from 3rd – 6th class are permitted to walk home, if parents give permission on the “permission to collect my child” form.
3. All parent volunteers are GARDA VETTED. (Click here).
4. Parents CANNOT attend field trips, swimming etc unless they are Garda Vettted. Parents are encouraged to apply for Garda Vetting in September, before school trips, swimming etc start and volunteers are required.
5. All visitors are required to sign into the school office. All visitors are given a “visitor badge.”
6. All parents using the parents room MUST sign in the “Parents’ Room” Book and make their way directly to the Parents’ Room.
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