Friendship Month. (including  Anti bullying )
It is our chance  to teach Anti bull​​ying Behaviours through promoting friendliness in the school.
We have an anti bullying policy that teachers and school community should be very aware of. In February we emphasise the teaching of these lessons to the children.
  • Kindness Wreath– When we catch a child being friendly or inclusive of others (like Gabby Get Along) the children can go to the kindness wreath and tie a ribbon to it. The goal is to watch the wreath get more and more ribbons as the weeks go on. The ribbons will be distributed on this Friday. Wreath will be on SPHE board outside the hall.


  • Random Acts of Kindness – We find RAK  very beneficial to promote friendship and kindness in class. Hopefully you will notice our pupils doing it at home too!


  • Mind training–  Mind training and promoting positive mental health is very important and it strongly linked with our Learn Together Curriculum. Mind training activities will occur throughout the month of February!




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