Many parents and guardians have had queries over windows being open and the risk their pupils will be cold in school and/or catch flu due to classroom being chilly.
We will ensure classrooms are appropriately ventilated. (Ventilation is the intentional introduction of fresh air into a space while the stale air is removed. It is done to maintain the quality of air in that space)
We are very luck to have a modern building. Their are thermostats in every classroom. Every classroom reads between 19 & 20 degrees daily. If there is a drop in temperature, we put on our heating system.
A well ventilated room does not mean windows are/will be be left open all day:
- Windows can be opened and closed through-out the school day as required;
- Windows can be opened when kids go to yard,
- one window can be left open – rather than 4
- Windows can be opened for 10 mins before kids come in in the morning
- Doors can be left open and corridor windows open
- Windows can be open during movement breaks / go noodle activities
- Windows can be opened when children go to yard / outside / hall for PE
Rooms do not need to be cold where extra layers/coats are needed when indoors; we take a common sense approach, which we feel is best.
If you child is cold in school, please encourage them to speak to their class teacher so windows can be closed or heating can be turned on.
You can help my making sure your child dresses weather appropriately so we can maximise our time outdoors!
Please see WHO guidelines here on ventilation in school.
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