
Booklists for 2016/2017 school year have been finalised. 

You can now pay for your books online through Aladdin.

Booklists Costs 2016/2017

Junior Infants€115Click here
Senior Infants€120Click here
1st Class€140Click here
2nd Class€135Click here
3rd Class€135Click here
4th Class€140Click here
5th Class€135Click here
6th Class€135Click here

Please pay booklist fees to the school no later than Friday, 17th of June 2016.

This will ensure books can be ordered and labelled for your child and will be in your child’s class for their first day back in school, 31st August 2016.

Payments can be made online through our online payment system Aladdin. Cash payments can be made to the office. Parents/guardians can pay in instalments. However a written instalment agreement must be signed in the office.

All money must be received by the OFFICE (not the class teacher), so please ensure you put money into an envelope with your child’s name on it. A receipt will be issued for all payments received.

Powerstown ETNS endeavours to minimise the cost of books to parents as much as possible. We only charge you the full price for books that the children write in and keep. The school purchase all other books and  “rent” them to children. This is a huge expense on the school. Please note that children WILL NOT RECEIVE SCHOOL BOOKS unless payment/instalment agreement HAS BEEN MADE.


Don’t forget, as your child will have completed an academic year in June 2016, he/she will move to the next most senior class in August 2016.

class changes






School tracksuits can be ordered and collected from the office.

School Crests€4 / 3 crests for €10

If you have any queries please phone the school 01 8272018, email




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