Friends, our Green School Committee elections take place FRIDAY, 16th September.
Children have been invited to start their Green School Campaigns. Children are encouraged to make campaign posters to put around the school. They will be invited to talk to different classes. On Friday 16th of September they will give their campaign speech during assembly.
If you wish to run for Green School elections please let your class teacher know as soon as possible!
Best of luck to all candidates!
Let’s make Powerstown Educate Together a Green School!
What is Green-Schools?
Green-Schools, known internationally as Eco-Schools, is an international environmental education programme, environmental management system and award scheme that promotes and acknowledges long-term, whole school action for the environment.
The aim of Green-Schools is to increase students’ and participant awareness of environmental issues through classroom studies and to transfer this knowledge into positive environmental action in the school and also in the wider community. Schools that have successfully completed all the elements of the programme are awarded the ‘Green Flag’.
This award has now become a well-recognised Eco-Label. Most young people care deeply about environmental issues, and wish to make a positive change in the environment around them. The Green School Programme provides an ideal way for fostering environmental awareness in the entire school and aims to make it an intrinsic part of the life and ethos of the school.
Where is PETNS at with Green School Programme?:
One of the key success factors of the Green-Schools programme is that it is a themed programme.
1. Litter & Waste (PETNS have achieved Litter & Waste Flag and are maintaining it)
2. Energy (PETNS have achieved Energy Flag and are maintaining it)
3. Water (PETNS have in year two of our Water Programme for our Water Flag)
4. Travel
5. Biodiversity
6. Global Citizenship – Litter & Waste
7. Global Citizenship – Energy
Therefore, PETNS primary focus this year is the Water theme, we have completed the seven steps for Litter & Waste and Energy and have achieved two Green Flags.
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