dropOffAs you have noticed the Drop-Off Zone is very busy in the mornings. It is important that this area continues to be used as a DROP-OFF Zone. 

Members of staff open up the gates to the courts (morning assembly area) at 8.20am. 

Under no circumstances can these gates be opened by parents/pupils. This area must be supervised by members of staff  before children make their way to the yard. 

  • Parents/Guardians enter the school campus using the top gate only. (Entrance Gate)
  • Parents/Guardians are invited to drop their children to the school from 8.20am. (Please do not leave children unsupervised before this time)
  • Parents/Guardians are asked to “Drop-Off” their pupils. Make sure you child safely exits your car and makes their way to the yard area. Adults are visible in  high-vis jackets to front of the school and in the courtyard area.
  • Parents/Guardians should then exit the grounds using the Exit Gate only (opposite our current building)

All campus users must follow the directions of staff wearing high-vis jackets and directing traffic. Staff members are doing this for the health and safety of campus users. Please treat staff respectfully at all times.

Please follow same procedures for collection time. 





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