REMINDER Cake Sale and Fancy Dress on Friday CAKE SALE DETAILS Parents and children are invited to bring in some baked (or bought) goodies for our cake sale. All donations of food would be appreciated. Please make sure items have NO NUTS and NO SESAME SEEDS.
If you have time, it would be great if you could list all ingredients so we know which items are dairy free, gluten free, sugar free, etc. Food can be dropped to the hall at 8.20am on Friday morning. Please label your dishes with your child’s name so we can return them. Cake Sale will take place from 1pm- 2pm in the school hall.
Children will be brought to the hall with their class and their teacher from 11am so please give your child some money if you would like them to make a purchase during the school day.
If they can bring in a plastic lunch box to put their purchases in that would be great Parents and friends are welcome to come in to make some purchases during this time also.
Looking forward to seeing you then!
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