Staggered finish times will continue in Powerstown ETNS.
The congregation of parents and pupils at home time is a concern and the following staggered finish times should minimise the gathering of people.
Junior Infants will finish at 1pm.
Senior Infants will finish at 1.10pm.
If you have a child in both Junior Infants and Senior Infants – your Senior Infant child will be brought to yard at 1pm.
3rd class finish at 1.50pm
4th class finish at 1.50pm
2nd class finish at 2pm
5th class finish at 2pm
1st class finish at 2.10pm
6th class finish at 2.10pm
If you have a child in more than one class, your children will be released at the earliest time (i.e. child in 1st, 2nd and 5th class – all siblings will be released at 2pm)
Collection points remain the same. 3rd – 6th class pupils will continue to be released at school doors and asked to meet parents at an agreed location to minimise congregation of adults on the school premises.
Please make sure you collect your child ON TIME. If you are going to be late, please contact the school in advance.
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